Our site is a great place to learn English, for beginners or advanced learners. The English content is divided into three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. There are also sections on phonics, grammar, and syntax. The words are used in different ways throughout the site, building on words you've already learned, to help build your vocabulary. In fact, by the end of Level 15, you should know all 8,000 words used on the site!
EnglishU was developed by people who know English and know how to teach. One of the founders taught English in Japan while at Sophia University in Tokyo. He has a language degree from the University of Notre Dame and a Masters Degree from Duke University. He is also a published author who has written several college textbooks. Our site writers and developers also have degrees in English and other subjects from The Ohio State University, including one with a Masters Degree in Education from OSU. All of the people involved with EnglishU have years of experience in various disciplines which makes EnglishU a fun, yet rigorous learning environment.
Learning is made fun and easy with lots of games, songs, and rhymes. Plus, all words in the early levels have pictures to help you understand their meaning. When you put your mouse over a word, you can hear it pronounced correctly. You can also click on a word to pop up a dictionary definition of the word. Finally, you can use our special recording function to record your own voice and then play it back to compare yourself to a native speaker of English.
The best way to learn English is to immerse yourself in it. No translations. You can search our online dictionary to get pictures and simple words to help you understand. You can also post questions in our forum, chat in English with other members, and even spend real-time sessions with native speakers of English.
Our lessons are broken down into simple groups of words. Vocabulary is reinforced with games, conversations, quizzes, and more. In more advanced levels, you will learn idioms and slang to help round out your vocabulary. You will have everything you need to learn English at a good pace. Repetition is the key to remembering new words. With our online classroom format, you can login to learn at your own pace. We recommend studying everyday for 30-45 minutes.
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e-mail account, with YOU @ EnglishU.com so you can let your friends know you are studying English. And if your friends join, you can receive a commission from their membership fee. In fact, we will give you 5% of their fee for as long as they are members of our site! Plus, if your friends introduce other friends, you will receive 5% for all those referrals also--three levels deep. It's just our way of saying 'Thanks' for helping us spread the word about our site.