1. tough cookie: |
strong; difficult to beat. |
My brother is one tough cookie. |
2. small potatoes: |
not important; insignificant. |
The $100 price is small potatoes to him. |
3. hot potato: |
something no one wants to keep so it gets passed around. |
That project nobody wants to do has become a real hot potato. |
4. have a beef: |
have a problem with someone (or something). |
Please come into my office; I have a beef with you. |
5. corny: |
quaint; old-fashioned. |
I know if sounds corny, but I like small towns. |
6. meat and potatoes: |
the main part of something. |
Selling computers is the real meat and potatoes of our business. |
7. go bananas: |
go crazy; become overly excited. |
Those kids go bananas if they can't go outside to play. |
8. bread and butter: |
something dependable. |
When our team is losing, they use their bread and butter play. |
9. carrot and stick: |
an incentive used to get people to do things. |
Promising more vacation time can be a good carrot and stick. |